What Annual Physicals Reveal About Your Health

What Annual Physicals Reveal About Your Health

You may think that you have no time for an annual physical exam, but busy people need them more than anyone. A crammed schedule tends to lead to high stress, which can trigger several health issues. You may miss or ignore health problems that can progress and become severe and time-consuming. 

At Optimal Performance Medicine in Woodstock, Georgia, Dr. Michael Skardasis is known for his efficient and thorough annual exams. Here’s what your annual exam can reveal about your overall wellness and why on-the-move executives and stretched-thinned parents alike should always keep these important yearly appointments.

1. Heart health

Your heart is your body’s engine, and an annual physical provides crucial insights into its condition. 

During the exam, Dr. Skardasis checks your blood pressure and heart rate and listens for irregular heartbeats or murmurs. These tests can identify early signs of conditions like hypertension or arrhythmia, which are easier to manage if caught early.

2. Cholesterol levels

High cholesterol is a silent risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Your annual physical includes a lipid panel to measure your cholesterol levels, including LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). High LDL levels can indicate hyperlipidemia and an increased risk for cardiovascular issues.

3. Blood sugar levels

Diabetes and prediabetes are becoming increasingly common, but they often go undiagnosed. High blood sugar can indicate diabetes or insulin resistance, so your annual physical may include a blood glucose test.

4. Kidney function

Typical blood work that Dr. Skardasis orders at your annual checkup includes an evaluation of how well your kidneys filter waste from your blood. Elevated creatinine levels or abnormal electrolyte balances can indicate kidney issues.

5. Liver function

Your liver detoxifies your body and metabolizes nutrients. Your blood test measures your liver enzyme levels and reveals potential issues like fatty liver disease or hepatitis.

6. Bone density

Osteoporosis makes your bones porous and brittle as you age. It affects both sexes, but especially women. Dr. Skardasis may order a bone density test to assess your bone health if you have a family history of osteoporosis or fractures.

7. Concerns about weight

Obesity goes hand in hand with several health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems. During your annual physical, Dr. Skardasis measures your BMI (body mass index) and discusses your weight and weight loss options in the context of your overall health.

8. Mental health issues

Your mental health is critical to your overall well-being. At your annual physical, Dr. Skardasis asks you not only about how your body is feeling, but also about your mind and spirit to identify issues like depression or anxiety and offer you the tools and resources to enhance your well-being. 

9. Immunity status

Our team reviews your vaccination history and ensures that you’re up-to-date on necessary immunizations to prevent influenza, pneumonia, shingles, and other diseases.

10. Cancer screenings

Early cancer detection significantly improves treatment outcomes. At your annual physical, Dr. Skardasis may discuss results of recent mammograms, colonoscopies, or skin checks or order these tests if you’re due.

Don’t let your busy schedule or sense of invincibility tempt you to neglect your annual exam. Schedule an appointment now by calling Optimal Performance Medicine or by using our online scheduler.

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