Feeling Tired All the Time? Here's What Might Be Causing Your Fatigue

It’s normal to be tired now and then. The rigors of life can sap your energy. Yet fatigue can occur for reasons other than a hectic day or a lack of rest. It can be a symptom of a number of health issues, and there may be times when there’s no obvious medical reason. 

When feelings of fatigue endure and no amount of rest seems to help you recover, you could have a condition called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID). You may also see this condition abbreviated as ME/SEID. Perhaps most frequently, though, it’s known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

If you have fatigue that just won’t go away, Michael Skardasis, MD, at Optimal Performance Medicine in Woodstock, Georgia, can perform a full evaluation and help you get to the bottom of your condition.

How CFS can affect you

The most obvious sign of CFS is, of course, the fatigue. You may feel as though you’ve had the flu, but without any of the respiratory symptoms that normally accompany the viral infection. Other symptoms of CFS can include:

The reasons behind CFS

When there’s no obvious medical explanation for your fatigue symptoms, you may never know what, precisely, causes the effects. There are many theories about the origins of CFS, and some experts suspect that a combination of factors may contribute to it. Some culprits might be changes in your hormone balance, issues with your immune system, or viral problems, such as Epstein-Barr virus, or herpesvirus 6, though no direct correlation has been pinpointed.

You’re at a greater risk of developing CFS if you’re a female age 40 and older, though it can affect either gender at any age. Stress is another significant risk factor for developing CFS.

Other potential causes of fatigue

Any time your body is in repair mode or fighting off viruses or bacteria, you may experience fatigue as a symptom. Fatigue can be a symptom of both allergies and anemia. Fatigue can also be a symptom of depression.

Diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or heart disease, can also cause fatigue. Sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, can also cause fatigue by disrupting the necessary sleep cycles that recharge and revitalize your mind and body. Type 2 diabetes is another common fatigue contributor that’s on the rise across the country. The list of medical conditions that can cause fatigue is long, and medications for treating certain conditions may also rob you of vital energy. 

It can be difficult to diagnose the reasons behind CFS, so experienced fatigue specialists, such as Dr. Skardasis, can pinpoint the causes as well as develop a treatment plan for you. Treatment options may include changing your diet, taking supplements, or undergoing IV infusions. If you have a medical condition that’s leading to your fatigue, Dr. Skardasis can address that as well.

If you have fatigue that won’t go away, get expert help by booking an appointment online or over the phone with Optimal Performance Medicine today.

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