Are You Tired of Feeling Tired All the Time?

Are You Tired of Feeling Tired All the Time?

Ask someone how they’re doing and the response is likely, “I’m tired,” bookended with sighs. The National Safety Council reported that 43% of Americans are too tired to function at work, and 97% of respondents have at least one risk factor for fatigue. 

If you’re one of the millions who live under the fog of fatigue, we want to help you. 

Here at Optimal Performance Medicine, Dr. Michael Skardasis and our team are dedicated to restoring your energy and addressing the problem that’s causing it. Here’s what you should know about chronic fatigue and your treatment options.

Fatigue vs. tiredness

If you stay out too late or travel through time zones, chances are you spend a couple of days feeling a bit worn out. That’s tiredness. 

Fatigue is something different entirely. Fatigue is an unrelenting lack of energy that disrupts your daily life and impacts your emotional and psychological health. It typically stems from an issue in your lifestyle, such as:

Chronic fatigue can also be the result of an underlying health condition, including:

Uncovering and understanding the source of your fatigue is the first step in creating a treatment plan customized to your needs.

Your treatment options

No two people experience fatigue the same way, so no two treatments are the same. After we determine what’s causing your fatigue, we may recommend the following therapies.

Lifestyle management

There’s no magic pill, no essential oil, no quick fix for chronic fatigue. Instead, it takes addressing the problem behind your fatigue. 

For example, if you’re diabetic, your condition prevents you from properly processing insulin and glucose to provide you with energy. Therefore, your treatment plan for fatigue looks a lot like a diabetes management plan. With diabetes under control, your cells can absorb and use glucose more efficiently, giving you more energy. 

We also place a special emphasis on wellness, and we work with you on making healthier choices. Depending on your needs, that means changes to your diet, stress management strategies, and exercise programs that fit your abilities and interests.

IV therapy

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a quick, effective way to deliver powerful, fatigue-fighting, health-boosting nutrients into your system. We offer a specific type of IV therapy called Myers’ cocktail. 

This unique blend contains fluids and nutrients, including magnesium, calcium, and B and C vitamins that treat conditions such as depression and fibromyalgia that cause fatigue. 

B12 injections

A B12 injection is a supplement that delivers B12 vitamins directly into your bloodstream. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient, which means that your body doesn’t produce it naturally and you must get it from outside sources. 

It plays a role in your ability to make red blood cells and DNA, and it also assists in how your body metabolizes fat and carbohydrates. A simple injection can provide you with a boost of energy.

Don’t spend another day dragging behind the rest of the world. Start your journey toward a more energized life by requesting an appointment at our Woodstock, Georgia, office today.

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