4 Reasons to Consider Professional Weight Loss Support

4 Reasons to Consider Professional Weight Loss Support

Does your body seem to hang onto fat no matter what you do? Maybe you’re not going about it with the right approach. 

Losing weight is tough, and doing it alone can feel frustrating and seemingly impossible. But you don’t have to go solo. Dr. Michael Skardasis, our experienced health coach at Optimal Performance Medicine in Woodstock, Georgia, can customize a plan specifically for you. 

Here’s why professional weight loss support crushes fad diets and undoable workouts, helping you reach a healthy weight and keep those extra pounds off for good.

1. Personalized guidance tailored to you alone

One-size-fits-all weight loss plans fail because they lack personalization; they assume everyone’s body will respond to the same tactics.

Dr. Skardasis customizes your weight loss strategy to suit your needs. As an internal medicine specialist with experience as a hospitalist and surgeon, he has the expertise to assess your health and determine precisely how to help your body lose weight and achieve wellness.

He gets to know you, your medical history, lifestyle, and personal preferences to develop a more targeted approach that addresses your specific challenges. For example, if you have underlying health issues like thyroid problems or diabetes, Dr. Skardasis can tailor a plan that accounts for these conditions. 

He also adapts your program to your changing needs over time. If an approach isn’t working for you, he tweaks it to suit your body’s reactions better.

As you go through the program, Dr. Skardasis tracks your progress and makes necessary adjustments. His ongoing support ensures that you’re not left guessing what works and what doesn’t. Instead, you have expert insights guiding you every step of the way.

2. Expertise and knowledge

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all of the books, blogs, and websites about weight loss. There is too much information, the so-called experts often contradict each other, and none of them know you. 

Professional weight loss support services at Optimal Performance Medicine solve that. Dr. Skardasis is a physician, not a social media influencer trying to sell you something, so you can trust him to give you legitimate, science-backed advice.

Nutrition, metabolism, and exercise are only three of many variables involved in weight loss, but if you don’t understand them, you can easily fall for faulty science and bad advice. Dr. Skardasis protects you from fads and false promises and steers you toward evidence-based approaches. 

3. Emotional and psychological support

Weight loss is as much an emotional and psychological challenge as a physical one, so don’t ignore that aspect of your journey. It helps to think of Dr. Skardasis as your weight-loss mentor, coach, and cheerleader; you can rely on him for emotional support and motivation.

For example, he can help you learn mindfulness practices or stress-relief techniques to curb emotional eating and get you back on a healthy track. Regular check-ins at Optimal Performance Medicine also create a sense of accountability and keep you from falling back into old, unhealthy habits.

4. Access to resources and education

Professional weight loss support is more than just meal plans and exercise routines; it’s about understanding the why and how behind the recommendations. That’s why we teach you how different foods and macronutrients affect your body and the science of balancing calories.

Weight loss education also empowers you to sift through misconceptions, myths, and flat-out lies about weight loss. 

The bottom line is that professional weight loss support — especially with Dr. Skardasis as your health coach — helps you achieve your weight loss goals sensibly, healthily, and sustainably. Call Optimal Performance Medicine or book online to schedule a consultation today.

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